The goal of sedacr is to enable programmatic access to data from the NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications (SEDAC) data repository. The sedacr package is in early development but does currently offer programmatic access to SEDAC's datasets using a registered NASA Earthdata account.
Once registered, users are able to query the SEDAC API for available data sets, and review their titles and abstracts in the data_inventory data frame. The data_downloads data frame includes the full list of downloadable zip files for each data set.
The data descriptor is captured in the row name of both. After deciding which data to download, the data descriptor (row name) can be provided as a parameter to the downloadSEDACGranules
function. Please note that these data will only work when myAuth is parameterized with your Earthdata username and password in the CURL handle returned by the authenticateSEDACURS
For more information, or to contribute to, the sedacr, package please visit the GitLab repository.