Author(s): Mach, Katharine J.; Kraan, Caroline M.; Adger, W. Neil; Buhaug, Halvard; Burke, Marshall; Fearon, James D.; Field, Christopher B.; Hendrix, Cullen S.; Maystadt, Jean-Francois; O’Loughlin, John; Roessler, Philip; Scheffran, Jürgen; Schultz, Kenneth A.; Uexkull, Nina von
Abstract: Climate has affected organized armed conflict within countries, and intensifying climate change is estimated to increase future risks of conflict, although other drivers are substantially more…Pp: 193Publication: NaturebrPublished: 2019Published date: 2019/07Vol: 571Issue: 7764DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1300-6URL: Nature