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Displaying citations 581 - 590 of 697
The Anthropocene and Its VictimsPublication: The Anthropocene and the Global Environmental CrisisPublished by: Routledge
Published: 2015
pp: 168-174
The Arab spring and climate changePublication: The Center for American Progress, Stimson, and The Center for Climate and Security
Published: 2013
The Arab Spring and the Persian Fall: The Youth Bulge and External Shocks in Libya, Tunisia, and IranPublication: Israel Journal of Foreign AffairsVol: 5
Published: 2011
pp: 49-62
The behaviour of random forest permutation-based variable importance measures under predictor correlationPublication: BMC BioinformaticsVol: 11
Published: 2010
pp: 110
The Causal Effect of Environmental Catastrophe on Long-Run Economic Growth: Evidence From 6,700 CyclonesPublished by: National Bureau of Economic Research
Published: 2014
pp: 1–70
The Conflict and Peace Data Bank (COPDAB) ProjectPublication: Journal of Conflict ResolutionVol: 24
Published: 1980
pp: 143-152
The Creation of CAMEO (Conflict and Mediation Event Observations): An Event Data Framework for a Post Cold War WorldPublication: Annual Meeting of the American Political Science AssociationVol: 29
Published: 2002
pp: 32
The Demographic Consequences of Conflict, Exile and Repatriation: A Case Study of Malian TuaregPublication: European Journal of Population / Revue européenne de DémographieVol: 21
Published: 2005
pp: 291-320
The Demographic Transition Theory of War: Why Young Societies Are Conflict Prone and Old Societies Are the Most PeacefulPublication: International SecurityVol: 43
Published: 2019
pp: 53-95