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Displaying citations 141 - 150 of 697
Climate-related natural disasters, economic growth, and armed civil conflictPublication: Journal of Peace ResearchVol: 49
Published: 2012
pp: 147-162
Climatic Factors as Determinants of International MigrationPublication: The Scandinavian Journal of EconomicsVol: 117
Published: 2015
pp: 723-767
Club Goods and Post-Disaster Community ReturnPublication: Rationality and SocietyVol: 21
Published: 2009
pp: 429-458
Collaboration or obstruction? Rebel group behavior during natural disaster relief in the PhilippinesPublication: Political GeographyVol: 43
Published: 2014
pp: 40-50
Collective Violence Caused by Climate Change and How It Threatens Health and Human RightsPublication: Health and Human RightsVol: 16
Published: 2014
pp: 32-40
Combining role-play with interactive simulation to motivate informed climate action: Evidence from the World Climate simulationPublication: PLOS ONEVol: 13
Published: 2018
pp: e0202877
Community organizing for post-disaster social development: Locating social workPublication: International Social WorkVol: 50
Published: 2007
pp: 321-333
Community Resilience as a Metaphor, Theory, Set of Capacities, and Strategy for Disaster ReadinessPublication: American Journal of Community PsychologyVol: 41
Published: 2008
pp: 127-150
Community Structure in Time-Dependent, Multiscale, and Multiplex NetworksPublication: ScienceVol: 328
Published: 2010
pp: 876-878
Community-Based Participatory Research in Disaster Preparedness Among Linguistically Isolated Populations: A Public Health PerspectivePublication: Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research EthicsVol: 5
Published: 2010
pp: 53-63