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Displaying citations 101 - 110 of 697
Climate Change and Migration: Improving Methodologies to Estimate FlowsPublished by: UN
Published: 2008
Climate change and migration: security and borders in a warming worldPublished by: Oxford University Press
Published: 2011
Climate Change and Migration: Security and Borders in a Warming WorldPublished by: Oxford University Press
Published: 2011
Climate Change and Migration: The impact for Mexico and the United States of AmericaPublished by: Abundantia Consulting
Published: 2008
pp: 11
Climate change and population migration in Brazil’s Northeast: scenarios for 2025–2050Publication: Population and EnvironmentVol: 31
Published: 2010
pp: 344-370
Climate change and the institutional resilience of international river basinsPublication: Journal of Peace ResearchVol: 49
Published: 2012
pp: 193-209
Climate change in the Fertile Crescent and implications of the recent Syrian droughtPublication: Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesVol: 112
Published: 2015
pp: 3241-3246
Climate change, conflict and migration: the water contextPublished by: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Published: 2011
Climate Change, Environment and Migration Research: How to Move Forward?Publication: 2nd Expert Workshop on Climate Change, Environment, and Migration
Published: 2009
pp: 5
Climate change, environmental degradation and armed conflictPublication: Political GeographyVol: 26
Published: 2007
pp: 674-694